
This is an example page with no sidebar.

Adding as sidebar is as easy as changing the Template from DEFAULT to Page with Sidebar (or other template if we want to use a special sidebar)


I don’t have a page builder setup for this site. They are bulky, slow down the site, and add flashy distractions from the site purpose.

I propose:

  1. Use LeadPages (their caching and builder) to build ‘fancy’ pages.
  2. Pay a developer to add some visual enhancements as we need them.
  3. Maybe add a ‘thin’ page builder for some pages. (I use Divi – I think that is a bit much for this site).

Below are examples of formatting that can be done using shortcodes within this theme (in addition to the typical WordPress editor).

Anything else and we will need to look at the options above.


We can do the following with just a click of a button below the editor

We can also do some other fancier stuff with scripts, CSS, or our Membership plugin (I’m just using Theme options below)


Let’s highlight a section. All colors are in the code itself. Not using CSS

Add your highlighted message here

“color” – sets the background color of the highlighted area. Accepts names of colors or hex codes

“fontcolor” – sets the font color for the highlighted area. Accepts names of colors or hex codes

“bordercolor” – sets the border color for the highlighted area. Accepts names of colors or hex codes

A button

Button link text

Floating columns! (Kinda hard to code with shortcodes, but columns are a must for non-boring pages!

I’m using half floats here. You can see how this would be useful for alternating quarters or thirds

Left HALF Float content goes here (This is also on top if viewing on mobile
Right Float content goes here
This is left float content.
Right Float content goes here.

I’m not sure why that text is smaller by default. I’ll look into it.


“size” – this sets the width of the column. Options are: ‘half’, ‘quarter’, ‘third’, ‘twothird’, ‘threequarter’

“float” – this aligns the column to the left or the right. Options are ‘l’ for left or ‘r’ for right



Change who can see stuff!

In addition to the menu that is shown above, we can change who can see what on any given page. Below are some manaul coded examples. Our Memebership plugin can let us get more fancy.

If you can see this text, you are logged OUT (and can’t see the text for those logged in)